Ojaswi Spiritual Ideology

My dear friends! Don’t worry at all. Don’t let fear come anywhere near you. Keep your morale high. Come let us mark the beginning of unprecedented great change in this world.


Remember the words of Swami Vivekananda, he said “ to give and take is the law of the nature and if India wants to raise herself once more, it is absolutely necessary that she brings out her Treasures and throws them, broadcast among the nations of the earth and in return be ready to receive what others have to give her. Expansion is life and contraction is dead. Love is life and hatred is death. We commenced to die the day we began to hate other races; and nothing can prevent our death unless we come back to expansion which is life.” We must meet with all creeds of the universe.


Fill your heart with enthusiasm and spread in all places. Spread the Ojaswi spiritual ideology of India in all the corners of the world ! Spread the grace of guru’s Ojaswi Spiritual Vedanta. Experiment the practicals of Vedanta. Very soon, the radiance of Ojaswi spirituality Will spread in the entire world and show a new path to the world. Ojaswi Adhyatma’s radiance that thrives on the triangle of truth,love and compassion will weave all the castes, creeds, religions and beliefs of the world into a single thread. This light which is free from the boundaries of nations will liberate people of the world from the darkness of narrowness.


Life is transient. People who live for others are the one’s who are actually alive. Their Ojaswi Adhyatmik lifestyle is impressive. People who do not possess selfishness,who are generous will be able to lead the society-nation and the world !  We can become successful on the strength of universal brotherhood and love. My beloved brothers and sisters. Stay strong ! Do not fear ! Try to end acrimony, jealousy and hatred among one another. Pledge the reformation of the world. It should be our aim to reach out to all the people of the world with the philosophy of Ojaswi adhyatma graced with Guru’s blessings.

-Narayan Sai “Ohmmo”